Monday, September 21, 2009


1. I took Jack to the doctor in a borrowed car. He hates sitting in his car seat now but enjoyed watching me squeegee the windows so I gave him the squeegee I found in the backseat. Dr. Garzona was utterly confused, "why does he have that?" But Jack was very happy to carry it around with him. He loves that ball on wire toy they have at the doctor's office too.

2. Have I mentioned that Jack loves stopping at all the sprinklers in the park and playing with how they work? Then he waves bye-bye to them.

3. I don't know why I took this picture of him on the playground, I think he was having more fun than he looks like in this picture, "what-evs"

4. when I put the pictures into iPhoto, this one of Jack and the street stencil of the fist came up right next to each other. Completely by accident but hey, "all power to the people"

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