Monday, July 27, 2009

when you're not looking

Jack makes these little leaps when we're least expecting it.
Yesterday he was playing with this toy he has where he hits these balls down into a little track and they come out the bottom. There are four balls of different colors and four colored holes to put them in. Yesterday was the first time he very decidedly moved the colored balls to their respective hole color before hitting them done. He did this repeatedly until he was done playing with it.
Sunday he was skyping with Nana and when she came on the screen he went and got her picture off the refrigerator and brought it to her.

Daily Intake July 20, 2009
When Jack noticed that one of his friends was wearing heels, he let me know that he wanted to take off his shoes and socks. He found the pink heels and tried them on. When it was too hard to walk, he took them off.

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