Jack says "down" for down and for up now, in the pictures you can see him crouched down softly saying "down...down...down" then he springs up and says "DOWWWWWWWWWWWN!"
Second session of summer daycare started this week and kicked off with Jack's 1/2 birthday. Grandma is visiting right now and she made banana muffins for the teachers and the kids. At snack time everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Jack to which he responded with shy smiles, and for the rest of the day, Oulu walked around saying "Happy Birthday to ya!" to Jack.
Jack really likes pushing his baby doll around in the stroller at home, but he gets frustrated because the doll has a fabric body and plastic arms and legs and Jack wants to take the all the clothes off, which include, of course, the body. The dolls at school are all plastic and Jack can play with them in the water. Jack loves playing in the water-showers, the pool, bathtubs, lakes, and a couple days ago we went to Chrissy Field with Grandma and Jack stomped in the ocean waves.
From daily intake:
July 6, 2009
When I was napping Jack today, he started patting his bottom when I (Jill) was patting his back. As if he wanted me to pat his bottom. So we both patted his bottom together until he fell asleep. :)
July 8, 2009
Jack's day was full of water fun! In the morning he joined his friends at the water table with sponges and after nap he was back at the table when he noticed there were baby dolls, soapy water and more sponges!
July 10, 2009
Jack and Faith put on the plastic backpacks and ran from the front door to the loft. Whenever they passed me, they waved, said "goodbye!" and blew me kisses. Later in the afternoon, he and his friends helped me sweep when I gave them little brooms.
July 13, 2009
Thanks for the muffins! We loved them! This morning waterplay was so fun! We borrowed the shower pole from the bigger yard and when I turned it on, Jack rushed over to join his friends. They all got so soaked that their sunscreen washed off!
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