Tuesday, September 2, 2008

About Jack

Jack giggles when I clean his ears.
He quiets down instantly when I sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
He laughs uproariously when I sing "I'm being swallowed by a boa constrictor" and grab his knees.
Whenever he picks up something he turns it over and over in his hands, generally he seems to be looking for the best part to chew on.
He is more likely to eat his baby food happily if someone else is eating at the same time. 
He's more likely to begin eating his cereal in the morning if I sing the opening line to "Folsom Prison Blues" and bring the spoon in from an angle like the train is "coming 'round the bend"
This morning he sat up on his own in bed, (he was lying on a pillow)
He likes to rub foreheads with himself in the mirror.
He loves to watch running or spraying water

1 comment:

Rock Mama said...

This is all very beautiful.