Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jack's interests

Jack is a toasted O's fiend! I think he would eat nothing else all day if we let him. He eats them individually, he eats them on a fork, he eats them by the handful. Apparently they have a lot of iron, which helps babies bodies expel any lead they may have taken in from soil or what have you. Calcium does the same thing. 
Jack has a new found interested in hinges and things that open and close. He likes doors quite a bit, and he also likes the arm that lays across his lap on the bike seat. He works very diligently opening and closing it.
Jack and I took a bike ride through the park today. I think Jack had a pretty good time, he laughed a fair amount, and every once in a while when I'd cough or say something he'd look up at me like he was shocked to see me there.
We're all still fighting colds, but Jack never seems phased by being sick, just a little more clutchy.

from daily intake November 5, 2008
Jack played with the xylophone today and loved all the music notes it played

and there's been an incident:
(10/27) another child was really excited to see Jack and greeted him with a kiss but also bit down. Jack didn't cry but I gave him an icy anyway 

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