Saturday, February 13, 2010


This is a picture of Jack in his "Match Papa" hat.
Jack has been curious about exclamation points for a while now and just in the past couple days he started saying " point!" He's still figuring out what makes a letter "i" and what makes an "!", but I have confidence he'll get it before too long.
Today we went on a hike in the Headlands. Jack saw too newts and spent a long time crouching down next to them and saying, "Hi Lizard. Lizard? Hi Lizard"
He also rode on Papa's shoulders and when they jumped over puddles Jack would say "Good jump Papa!"
This afternoon he and papa went and threw a ball through a kid's basketball hoop that the neighbors left when they moved. Jack loves it, it's one of the few things that can drag him away from Kipper the Dog videos.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Jack is looking so much like you these days!