Sunday, April 12, 2009

bye bye

Jack really likes looking inside the refrigerator these days. He talks and touches the bottles and things but doesn't take anything out. We don't want to waste energy and we were starting to get into battles with him when we'd try to close the door. Then the other day he waved bye bye and said "bye" when I closed the door (I think because I let him hold the cheese so he thought our work was done). Now we just say "bye" when we close the door and everything is fine.
Jack loves to point out his elbows, his tongue and his bellybutton. Also, pointing to my elbows makes him laugh like crazy. 
When we play "head, shoulders, knees and toes" Jack has figured out that he's supposed to point to his toes so he just bends down and points to his toes for the duration of the song.

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