Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Family pictures

Jack is clearly understanding a lot of what we say nowadays. A couple nights ago I was making oatmeal for him and Sean asked him to go get the applesauce, so Jack walked over to the refrigerator and pointed at it. Tonight he was starting to make a mess with some water in a water bottle so I asked him if he wanted to go play with water in the bathtub. Amongst all the "Da. da. da's" he walked into the bathroom and pointed at the bathtub and smiled.
I've gotten really sensitive to what people say around him, knowing that he's understanding, or at least paying attention. It just seems like people should think about what they're saying to kids, even if the kid isn't old enough to respond. But what are you gonna do?

March 11, 2009
Today we listened to "If you're happy and you know it" and Jack would clap and stomp his feet whenever the song told him to!"

March 16, 2009
Jack was so excited to play with bubbles outside. He had fun touching and popping them. Jack was also pointing out all his body parts like his eyes and belly button.
Incident report: A child accidentally hit him in the head with plastic ball. first aid: icee, hugs and kisses.

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