Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkin season 2008

I've been out of town for a week, attending the wedding of my dear friend Colleen and Vivek. It was really hard to leave Jack behind, but as I was the matron of honor, I knew I couldn't fulfill my duties if I had Jack with me. Check out the hat Grandma made for him while I was away!
When I got back Jack had FOUR TEETH coming in on the top! He looked so much more grown up in just one week, it's utterly amazing. He crawls around like crazy now and he's getting better and better at holding onto things and standing up. Jack also seems totally acclimated to daycare now. When I came in to pick him up on Friday, he was sitting at the table with the other Jack and Edward, and was drinking out of a sippy cup and talking really loud. Jack loves eating Cheerios and talking. He's also started a little waving bye-bye. He continues to intake lots of information with his hands and turn things over and over, studying them. He has a big plush fish with huge lips that my friend Steve got for him and he kisses the lips when I hold it up and say "glub glub".

here's what we missed (from Jack's daycare sheets):

For the first time, Jack went inside the tunnel while he was holding a rattle in his hand.

Jack was so talkative today. This morning he got a book and he was turning pages & reading it loudly

Jack had a great day today he enjoyed turning the pages of books and also enjoyed playing in the kitchen area

Today Jack enjoyed crawling back and forth from the door to the loft and also was laughing and talking to his friend Olufemi

While outside with his friends, Jack enjoyed playing in the sandbox. He also crawled around and took time to explore what ever object or toy was in his path!

Jack was extremely active and happy all day

1 comment:

Anne D. said...

Aww.... that hat is so cute :)
Jack is adorable, especially in the last picture. Love that one ^^