Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jack's feet and the possible end of the blog

Hi Everybody
So this blogger website has started requiring that I have a Google account to maintain this blog. I found a way around it tonight, but I might find a new venue in the future. I'll try my best to let you know, might have to use smoke signals or something.
Anyway-on to Jack.
Jack discovered his feet two days ago. He just kept leaning farther and farther forward until he spotted them and now he looks for them every chance he gets. He mostly just touches them and stares at them, but it's pretty funny to watch. 
I can't find the camera today to upload the pictures, and I apologize. Jack is getting really big, at least by the standards of a newborn. He's getting closer to sitting up on his own all the time. You can feel the strength in his back when you hold onto him, even though his neck still wobbles around.
He likes to stare at lights when they're sharply contrasted with darkness, or anything that glows. I had him at an art show a couple weeks ago and he couldn't take his eyes off a particular gilded piece. We try to let him fully digest what he's looking at before we take him away from it. This is supposed to help his development and self-confidence. We also try to give him as much "free form" time as we can during the day, where he's on a blanket and can just his arms and legs around freely without being moved by anyone else. This helps him to discover his body and understand his own movements and his own will.
After much deliberation, we discontinued the cloth diapers. While we felt they were more comfortable for him than the disposable when you first put them on, but they were really bulky and constricted Jack's movement. Also, once they got wet, the entire diaper got soaked instead of staying contained in one area of the diaper. 
all for now, time for bed...

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