Monday, April 7, 2008

12 weeks, one day

Jack celebrated his 12 week birthday on Sunday, without much fanfare. Mostly chewed on his fist and kicked his legs. His lower eyelashes are about double the length that they were a couple days ago. Jack has recently taken a fancy to his knees. When he sits in his stroller or his chair, he kicks off any blankets and yanks up his pants to show his knees. Then he just stares at them and plays with them, I think it's dawning on him that those knees down there have something to do with him. He talks up a storm too. Usually when he's just woken up, he'll lock eyes with you and make these long, elaborate noises. Lots of ahhhhh's like a creaky barn door and what Sean calls "dolphin noises". He also makes this cooing noise that sounds just like a morning dove. 
Since the fourth trimester is over, we're beginning to think about sleeping schedules and rituals around going to bed. I'm not ready to let him cry in bed yet, which I will probably regret later, but forgive me, I'm a new mama, I just can't do it yet. So we started a standard at night of washing his face and hands, then changing into pajamas (or clean pajamas if he's been in pajamas all day), then we turn on one of his lullaby CD's and read him a story (if he's not screaming for dinner), then we feed him and try to get him to knock off.
Jack does really well going to sleep if he hasn't had too crazy of a day. I think he really gets overwhelmed when we're out all day and there's too much stimuli. I think it takes him a while to process afterwards, and I notice it's harder to get him to bed when there's been lots of riding on the bus or new faces or somesuch.

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