Saturday, October 23, 2010

combining digital formats

This blog is the only way I post Jack on the internet. Too many crazies out there. But sometimes I post what he says on facebook. Then I forget to post it to the blog.

I also seem to take a lot more pictures with my below-average cell phone because it's handy than I do with an actual camera. Then I have a bunch on my phone and when I'm riding the bus or something I send them to myself, so there is generally a backlog of old pictures. Not to mention the stack of comments from last summer daycare.
Ah well, you do what you can.

These couple of pictures are actually really recent, just last Thursday out at Heron's Head park, walking the dog. Jack kept running towards me laughing and saying he was going to catch me. Then he'd grab my legs and laugh uproariously.

Jack is very preoccupied with working as a fireman these days. The fire department is about three blocks from our house so we frequently drive by on our way to school and whatnot to see if we can see the trucks and the firefighters. Jack is very excited about the fire poles right now. And I was kind of marveling the other day at the fact that in spite of all our technology the fastest way we as a species have figured out to get from one floor to another is still a pole. Kind of beautiful in its simplicity.

Here's a couple of Jack quotes. One is a story that he dictated to me and the other was just one of the many glorious moments of hanging out with him.

"My story is about Fireman Jack with a helmet and his fire coat on and his boots on. And he slide down the pole and he got in his fire engine and he drive to the fire. And then I put out the fire. And THEN everybody clapped their hands for the brave Fireman Jack. He took off his helmet and his boots and then he took a break. He rest on his pillow." -Jack Simon

Jack and I put two straws in a smoothie and while we were drinking he looked up at me from over his straw and said with a mischievous grin, "no laughing!"

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