Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jack's private language

Jack says "bubbles" especially when he wants to blow soap bubbles.
He says "key" when he sees a lock or a doorknob (or even just a hole that he figures a key would fit in)
He says "dog!" which comes out like "dawwwg!"
He says "kitty" with some frequency now
He also says something that sounds like, "I don't know why" while shrugging his shoulders and turning up his hands, but it can also mean "I don't know where". Sean also remarked tonight that Jack sometimes says "I don't know no no no no why"
He'll also say "whose that?" or "what's that?"
He also says "Dah-da" which seems to mean something about being outside, or going outside or else that's what he's calling Linda who lives downstairs.
He's learned that he's not supposed to go in the street because the cars there go "VROOM!"
When he rides his tricycle or on the kid seat on my bike he says "wheeeeeee!"
Jack loves watching John-John on old Sesame Street episodes and seems to be slowly picking up that up is not "down". Thanks John John. Jack doesn't always use "up", but he really enjoys yelling "UP!" and "DOWN!" with Mama.

from Daily Intake August 10, 2009
Jack woke up with a case of the giggles. He was so excited to see that his friends were awake and happy to see him after his nap. He watched and laughed as they screamed and ran around until he finally joined them.

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