Sunday, March 2, 2008

7 weeks

A few days ago I watched a National Geographic video my mom recommended called "In the Womb". It was amazing to think about how much Jack has changed since he was a newborn, things I had completely forgotten---like how he used to move in slow motion and just what a tiny, unfinished thing he used to look like. Jack's definitely looking less like an unfinished product every day, and he's starting to discover his voice. He makes all kind of funny noises, it's a hoot (I pretend I can understand him and we have conversations), and he smiles pretty regularly. 
We've also taken to reading stories before he goes to sleep at night, and even though I don't understand how, he seems to tell the difference between reading and random talk. He settles down and listens while you read and gets antsy when you stop.
Uncle Mark was here over the weekend, and showed me how to bake bread. The loaf turned out magnificently and Jack insisted on getting his picture taken with it.


Rock Mama said...

Oh, he is just soooo yummy! I ache to cuddle him.

Auntie Lisa

molly said...

it's like jack came out just perfect, like that loaf of bread. i thought you were posing him next to it like to say "he's bigger than a breadbox, or the loaf itself!"

Anne D. said...

So young and already such distinct taste in hats... ;)
Hope you're all fine :)