Saturday, May 17, 2008

4 months, 15.4 pounds, 25 inches

Jack got his second round of shots yesterday at the doctor. He held up like a real champ. Dr. Garzona said it's okay to start him out on infant cereal, so Sean is picking up some at the store today-pretty exciting stuff. They say you're supposed to wait until the baby can sit up on their own before you give them food-it has something to do with the development of their ability to swallow-but I was starting to wonder because it seems like Jack wants to eat almost constantly once he gets started. 
We also picked up a high chair off of craigslist yesterday-also very exciting. I tried Jack out in it this morning and he seemed very agreeable. He patted the tray the same way he patted the side of the pool. I think he's still a little small for it and I don't want to leave him unattended because he still doesn't sit up entirely on his own-I don't want him to bonk his head. Nonetheless, he looked pretty cute sitting up in it and it will be nice to have him eventually sitting at his own chair, rather than in his bouncy seat on the kitchen table while we eat.
It's been really hot (for San Francisco) the past couple days, so Jack has been kicking back in shorts or just a onesie, and one night he slept in nothing but a diaper after a nice, cool bath. You won't see many pictures of Jack's knees, so enjoy this one.
Hey, by the way, someone told me there's some way for you to print pictures off this website. I know if you click on the picture, it will pop up on your screen, but does anyone know about getting pictures printed? If you do, post to the website, so everyone can use the information.


1 comment:

jane said...

right click on the picture and save it to your computer, then use whatever image program you have to print the photo.

or, once it is on your computer, right click on it, and most computers will give you a pop-up menu which will have print as one of its options.